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therapy comics

improving access
improving outcomes


Sleep hygiene comic book cover

A clear, self-explanatory workbook covering the principles of sleep hygiene


Panic attack graded exposure comic book cover

A workbook for treating panic attacks using graded exposure.

Designed to be used with a therapist. 

progressive muscle relaxation

progressive muscle relaxation worksheet comic

A simple worksheet for progressive muscle relaxation

other resources

Other non-text resources. Videos, podcasts audio files etc. 


Also, other comics about mental health.

Therapy Sessions
about therapy comics

Many of the interventions used to treat mental health problems can be illustrated. This allows a universal resource to be available for therapists to use with anyone who struggles with typical text-based materials. 


Therapy Comics is developing high-quality, materials for evidence-based interventions that are in common use by therapists.


The materials on this site have been designed for Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, High Intensity Therapists and CBT therapists working in IAPT services in England.

about me

I have worked as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner in the NHS since 2012.


A few years ago I carried out a triage assessment with someone with chronic insomnia and Generalised Anxiety Disorder.


I was surprised to hear that he had previously had  unsuccessful CBT. He said:


"The CBT was all "read this... write that...." and I couldn't do it. I've got really bad dyslexia"


And this got me thinking.


We don't need all these words.



Bad design is committing the same moral sin as a lack of access. In fact, really, at the end of the day, we all have disabilities. We all have cognitive limits, we all have limits of our senses, and a failure to recognise the multiplicity of barriers that stand between us and what sometimes is life saving information is an urgent public work that needs to take place.

Scott McCloud interviewed on 99% Invisible

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